Dec 29, 2010 12:57 AM
*sleep before 5
*i may wake up and check
*change pm
*change dp
*pro pro
*i like you.
*sleep early hor
*wan hate me jiu hate me bah
k fine. who like moody also? think i like meh? bo bian right this thing? you think i got magic uh, stop this fucking feeling? srsly luh, i really buey tahan le. idk uh, what will happen. the next few days, its all based on today. i don't give a damn le. fucking empty. sorry, i love you, night, forgive me, all those. nah. you think now i no heart what bullshit right? i've enough of this, over and over a ko lone tutu bae. like i've said, nin thin dar di game la? i DO HAVE a heart, a nice one at that. i've told you before, i'm scared to get hurt again. yet in this r/s, i've been hurt, alot. maybe even you. yea, you can hate me. i don't mind. and er kay. i don't knw how to cheer you up NOW , but later right? i no mood yet you want me cheer you up. k, maybe sometimes or most of the times, you no mood yet you cheer me up. but i'm different right? no one's the same. i can't even smile. i try smile, i'll cry instead . but bar lal? nin ma problem shi yin , ngar nat sain da pot. nin jealous pyit tar, you think i not? i also human with feelings ley . please la hor, i'm thinking of disappearing from this fucking earthing already . you want that wish to come true, also can. no problem. i'm srsly damn pissed off now, i don't want this to drag on or whatever fuck. anything happens, idk . just don't come knocking on my door all those. really don't . i've had enough of this, and i think you do too . don't ask anything from anyone you know from my side. idk what'll happen. just have to wait and see uh k. bye. just don't regret, i'm telling you .